School Overview
Highland Elementary School
701 N. Stevenson St.
Visalia, CA 93291
(559) 730-7769
Jessica Peredo
Description of School
Highland Elementary School serves approximately 510 students in grades K-6. Our teachers and staff are dedicated to ensuring the academic success of every student and providing a safe and productive learning experience. The school holds high expectations for the academic and social development of all students. Curriculum planning, staff development, and assessment activities are focused on assisting students in mastering the state academic content standards, as well as increasing the overall student achievement of all subgroups.
School Mission Statement
Highland School is dedicated to supporting all students with a standards-based curriculum that will prepare them for a successful future in a rapidly changing world and global economy. We have made a strong commitment to provide a safe, positive climate for learning in which all students can reach their fullest potential both academically and socially.
We hold these core values at Highland School:
• Involve all school stakeholders in the instructional process
• Professional Growth is Central to Teaching
• Maximize Instructional Time
• Optimistic Dissatisfaction: Always look for ways to improve!
• Use Collaboration in Professional Development, Planning, and Decision Making
• Discipline is an instructional process
• Due Regard: Respect and concern will be demonstrated when working with students, staff, and parents.
• Due Process: Adults will be fair in their judgments and actions
• Due Diligence: The staff at Highland School will provide prompt and timely results when assisting students failing to learn.
• Adults at Highland School will teach internal locus of control in order to enable students to have control over their lives in order to be successful.
• Our Highland Motto is: “Improving Student Achievement and Quality of Living for a Lifetime”
Opportunities for Parental Involvement
This section provides information about opportunities for parents to become involved with school activities.
Parent involvement and communication are essential to our school success. Highland Elementary School continually strives to involve parents by sharing information that helps parents understand and support school programs and by providing opportunities for parent participation in school activities. There are numerous and varied opportunities for parent involvement, including but not limited to, attending school functions, participating in parent-teacher conferences, volunteering in classrooms, and chaperoning field trips. Parents may also serve on advisory committees and leadership teams, including, but not limited to, the English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC), GATE Advisory Committee, Parent Teacher Association (PTA), School Safety Committee, and School Site Council (SSC). Additional opportunities for parental involvement also exist at the district level. Parents also have the opportunity to participate in education opportunities through the Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE), and the Visalia Adult School which provides parents the opportunity to acquire English Language skills through its adult English as a Second Language (ESL) class on the Highland site. The College of the Sequoias Student Mini-Corps Program also holds a Parent Math Night once a year to assist a small number of parents in increasing their abilities to more successfully help their children in the area of math.
Parents who would like more information on how to become involved may contact Principal Jessica Peredo at (559) 730-7769.